Written yesterday when I couldn't get it to post from the Oncology Center:
Allen is sitting here injesting a myriad of "cocktails" well before happy hour. Chemo round two has officially started, and his port functioned just fine this morning. He had great blood return right away, which made his nurse very happy! Before cocktail time, we met with The Cancer Ninja, and Allen got a great report. His white count is critically low, (as to be expected) so we do have to be VERY vigilant about germs and sickness. Anyone who is feeling the least bit under the weather needs to stay AWAY from Allen. We are meticulously watching Brookekyn and Braedyn for any signs of sickness, and they have already become accustomed to no shoes in the house, endless hand washing, and baths as soon as they get home from school. We don't want anything delaying Allen's treatments!
As I have mentioned before, we have been BLOWN AWAY by everyone's incredible support! Here are some more pictures of our amazing Team ALL-EN supporters:
Woody and Jessie (aka Emily and Uncle David) are ALL-EN! |
Allen's co-workers at Sam's Club are ALL-EN! |
Jim and Becky Boyd Newberry are ALL-EN! |
Gene Simmons (aka Sashi dressed up for Halloween) is ALL-EN! |
Keep the wonderful pictures wearing your ALL-EN bracelets coming! We love to see them and post them here!
Ok, and now an update from today:
Allen woke up feeling GREAT this morning! He is probably SICK of hearing me ask if he feels ok, but I can't help asking just to make sure. Of course he hopped right on the treadmill and started running. He ran at a faster pace than he had been training at pre-diagnosis and logged several miles in no time. It is wonderful to see him feeling so strong, having a great appetite, and being so positive!

On another positive note, Allen's results are becoming more physically visible. When feeling his left lower pectoral area pre-treatment, several lumps and bumps could be felt (including the one that freaked us out initially). Well, this morning when we felt they were GONE! It feels like normal chest tissue now! He also had a very large mass toward the center of his pectoral area, and while that one isn't gone it certainly sticks out noticebly less and feels as if it might be breaking up more! These results are so uplifting and promising to us! Allen's great attitude and commitment to cure is paying off, The Cancer Ninja and his staff's hard work is paying off, and everyone's thoughts and prayers are working! Our goal for this week is to keep Allen healthy and away from crowds and germs. We are also hoping that he is able to rest after work (oh yes, of course he is working--can't keep him away from the office) so he can keep his strength and appetite up. Also, this week Allen is starting infrared massage therapy; we are excited to see him reap the benefits of this amazing service!
Thank you again to everyone who has brought us meals, helped out with the kids, contributed to the maid service, prayed for us, thought of us, cleaned Allen's desk at work, sent Allen notes, and a million other things I can't even begin to name here. All of you are helping us through this one step at a time!