Thursday, November 29, 2012

We're ALL-EN!

We have received so many awesome pictures of people with their ALL-EN bracelets on! Thank you! Here are some of the latest ones:
The Razorbacks are ALL-EN! Woo Pig Sooie!
Baby (Brookelyn's doll and best friend since she was one) is ALL-EN! 
Washington DC is ALL-EN!
The Honey Island Swamp Monster (in NOLA) is ALL-EN! 
Mr. Buddy, Brookelyn's AMAZING counselor at school, is ALL-EN!
Aunt "B" and Abby are ALL-EN!
We are so blessed to have the most amazing friends and family supporting us! Tomorrow marks Allen's fourth chemo treatment.  We are hoping for good blood count numbers in the morning and easy access to the port for a smooth treatment.  The fourth of twelve treatments will mark 33% of the way through the chemo part of Allen's path to CURE! It also signals that his all important scan will be soon! We aren't sure when The Cancer Ninja will schedule his scan, but we know it will be sometime in the next two weeks.  Any thoughts and prayers for a completely STERILE, CANcer FREE scan are greatly appreciated! We will keep you all updated as we know more!  If you want to email Allen a quick note, you can send it to:

1 comment:

  1. Although I haven't met you yet I feel like I know you through my sister Jenna. We have been praying for you diligently and proudly sporting our bracelets. We are so proud of you and your awesome spirit of joy and mental toughness through this battle. Keep up the great work and attitude it makes all the difference!


    Jessica Rehn
    In Complete Metabolic Remission --- Stage 4 Breast Cancer Survivor!
