Friday was Allen's TWELFTH treatment! He has had a treatment every other week over the past 24 weeks (6 months) so it was hard for us to believe that it was finally the last one. It started off with a great meeting with The Cancer Ninja. We really just went over all the next steps in Allen's treatment, starting with an appointment with The Radiator this Thursday, scans and a follow up meeting with The Ninja to go over Allen's scans next week, simulation probably the following week, and radiation to tentatively begin the week of April 22nd. Whew - that is a lot; oh, and we can't forget that there is a baby to be arriving at some point in the midst of all of that.
All hooked up and ready to go. His port cooperated for the most part during treatment. |
The red blob in the foreground is Baby Braxtyn cheering Daddy on as he gets treatment #12! |
Ringing the bell to signify he completed all 12 of chemo treatments! We LOVED that it was a HOG bell!!! |
Daddy arrived home to purple balloons and awesome signs that the kiddos had made for him! |
That night we celebrated ALL-EN style with some cool purple accessories! |
Saturday morning Allen felt pretty yucky, but he wasn't going to miss his long run after his LAST treatment! (He needed some helpers to hold up 12 fingers!)
Many of you know that when we told the kids about Allen having CANcer, we explained to them that Daddy got a powerport like Ironman's. (The powerport is where Allen receives chemo in his chest, and it sits right about where Ironman's light up button is.) Throughout treatment the kids have wanted to see and touch Allen's port, and we always talk about Daddy being strong like Ironman. Braedyn has even told many of his friends at school that his Daddy IS Ironman! So, when a couple friends gave us the heads up that Ironman was going to be in town this weekend, we knew we had to stop by and say hi!
The kids were mesmerized!
And, we had to get a family shot with Allen's namesake too! Ironman meeting Ironman was quite the event! |
Wow. What a busy weekend! With chemo out of the way, we have cleared a huge hurdle; however, we know that there are many hurdles ahead. We will update everyone on the latest after we see The Radiator on Thursday. Thank you for all of your support and prayers throughout the last six months and in the months ahead! It has meant and continues to mean so much to our family.
Praise God! So glad that Allen has been able to stay on schedule and healthy through six months of chemo! I know you guys are going to have an especially special Easter - praying for health, strength, safety, wisdom, peace. . .