2012 has certainly been full of the unexpected. However, we have definitely grown closer as a family as a result of the challenges that have been placed in front of us. Allen and I have always said we make a great team, and the events of the past few months have proved that in so many ways. 2012 has also shown us how blessed we are to be surrounded by the most amazing family, friends, and co-workers who have gone out of their way to help us with food, the kids, cleaning, supportive emails and texts, and an ear to just listen. Thank you to all of you for everything!
We know 2013 is going to be the best year yet! Allen will finish his treatments in April and be CANcer FREE, a new baby will arrive in early May, and we celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary shortly after!
Midnight is past our bedtime these days, but we will be celebrating the ball drop in spirit! We wish everyone on Team ALL-EN the best in the New Year!!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Tomorrow Marks HALFWAY and Awesome ALL-EN Photos
Tomorrow marks Allen's 6th of 12 chemotherapy treatments, and a BIG milestone...HALFWAY! We have been looking forward to this mark for a while, and it feels so good to be finally reaching it! If you want to send Allen and quick good-luck note, you can email him at: 4teamallenbates@gmail.com.
Over the past couple of weeks, we have gotten some GREAT Team ALL-EN photos and wanted to share them with you all:
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Our elf, Lucky, is ALL-EN! (See his hat?) |
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Brookelyn and her friend, Trinity, are ALL-EN! They were playing in "snow" aka shaving cream at their school Christmas Party. |
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Evan is ALL-EN while helping decorate his Christmas tree! |
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Rob is ALL-EN from the duck blind! |
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Uncle Jacky is ALL-EN...and ready to fight!! |
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Miss Jill (Brookelyn's AWESOME art teacher) is ALL-EN! |
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Baby Bates
This isn't directly related to Team ALL-EN. However, we mentioned the baby having a cyst in his brain in a previous post, so we wanted to update everyone.
This afternoon we went in for a Level II Ultrasound (with a nurse from UAMS in Little Rock and a Genetic Counselor teleconferenced in--which was pretty crazy) at Williow Creek. The nurse with us performed the ultrasound while the teleconferenced medical professionals watched. The good news is that while the baby does still have one cyst in his brain (apparently before he had two--one is totally gone) it is very tiny and they think it will probably disappear in the next few weeks. Additionally, all the baby's other major organs looked great! We were so THRILLED to learn the good news. Thank you to everyone who has kept Baby Bates in your thoughts over the past couple of weeks!
This afternoon we went in for a Level II Ultrasound (with a nurse from UAMS in Little Rock and a Genetic Counselor teleconferenced in--which was pretty crazy) at Williow Creek. The nurse with us performed the ultrasound while the teleconferenced medical professionals watched. The good news is that while the baby does still have one cyst in his brain (apparently before he had two--one is totally gone) it is very tiny and they think it will probably disappear in the next few weeks. Additionally, all the baby's other major organs looked great! We were so THRILLED to learn the good news. Thank you to everyone who has kept Baby Bates in your thoughts over the past couple of weeks!
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Here is a sneak peek of Baby Bates! |
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Chemo Treatment #5
Allen started his morning as usual, with a nice run!
His fifth chemotherapy treatment was on Friday, and he is feeling really good this weekend (which means he got put to work in the baby's new room)!
On Friday, of course we were elated after Allen's great scan reports from The Ninja, but the reality is we do still have a long road ahead. That road includes several more chemotherapy treatments, and the fifth of twelve was next on the agenda. Things started really well, with his port actually cooperating pretty well. And while his treatment started, we enjoyed reading all the well-wishes on Facebook and through email and text messages. Thank you! We loved reading them together and felt like everyone who has been on this long journey with us so far was celebrating with us!
However, about ten minutes into his pre-meds he started feeling burning in his chest. Of course the poor nurses, who I think probably draw straws to see who has to take care of the high-maintenance port Allen, were very concerned that there was a leak in his port. This is especially concerning considering that Allen gets Adria, a chemo drug that is VERY toxic if it gets out of his veins. So, Allen went off to his friends in x-ray (this is the fifth time Allen has had that silly port x-rayed)! Luckily, after some tense waiting (and worrying that SURELY he wouldn't have to go back for more port surgery) Allen's nurse got the green light that his port was fine. From there, things went like they should and he finished up. We are so excited that the next chemo treatment marks the HALF-WAY mark! Woo hoo!
His fifth chemotherapy treatment was on Friday, and he is feeling really good this weekend (which means he got put to work in the baby's new room)!
On Friday, of course we were elated after Allen's great scan reports from The Ninja, but the reality is we do still have a long road ahead. That road includes several more chemotherapy treatments, and the fifth of twelve was next on the agenda. Things started really well, with his port actually cooperating pretty well. And while his treatment started, we enjoyed reading all the well-wishes on Facebook and through email and text messages. Thank you! We loved reading them together and felt like everyone who has been on this long journey with us so far was celebrating with us!
However, about ten minutes into his pre-meds he started feeling burning in his chest. Of course the poor nurses, who I think probably draw straws to see who has to take care of the high-maintenance port Allen, were very concerned that there was a leak in his port. This is especially concerning considering that Allen gets Adria, a chemo drug that is VERY toxic if it gets out of his veins. So, Allen went off to his friends in x-ray (this is the fifth time Allen has had that silly port x-rayed)! Luckily, after some tense waiting (and worrying that SURELY he wouldn't have to go back for more port surgery) Allen's nurse got the green light that his port was fine. From there, things went like they should and he finished up. We are so excited that the next chemo treatment marks the HALF-WAY mark! Woo hoo!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Praise The Lord! And, thank The Cancer Ninja!
Allen is in REMISSION! We want to shout it from the rooftop, sing it as we dance on the kitchen table, make t-shirts that say it in big letters, jump on the bed while yelling it, and just hold each other and smile the biggest smiles we have ever smiled!
Rewind a few days:
Allen's PET was scheduled for Wednseday the 12th; however, when we went in that morning, the machine was broken! It was certainly a bump in the road, as we had been preparing ourselves for this moment for quite some time, but the technician was super nice and promised us that she would do everything possible to make sure Allen could be scanned the evening of the 13th. The good news was that now, Allen wouldn't be radioactive for my birthday! (Never thought I would type that sentence! Who ever thinks about their husband being radioactive?!)
So, we regrouped and waited a VERY long day Thursday before heading in for his scan at 4:00. Once there, the nurse broke it to Allen that he would have to drink Barium again. Poor guy, if needles aren't bad enough, he had to endure that TERRIBLE drink (he says it tastes and smells like latex paint)! But, of course Allen is a trooper and he took his "cocktail" and headed back in for his scans. About and hour later (by this time Braedyn ans I were the only ones in the waiting room--even the front desk lady had gone home) Allen came out and said that the machine was broken again. We didn't know whether to laugh or cry! Really, the odds of this had to be incredibly small! So, Allen stood like a statue (apparently you cannot move or the dye will go to your muscles and give you a false positive scan) while Braedyn, at a safe distance, told him all about the latest and greatest games he had downloaded on his iPod. Finally, the technician came back, held both hands up with her fingers crossed, and led Allen back to get his scans. Surely, the third time was the charm! And, this time it worked!
We headed home that night (in separate cars) so anxious for the results. Allen's family dropped off dinner for the kids and I, and Allen headed over to The Bates Motel (aka, Uncle David and Emily's house). It was such a LONG night waiting!
But, oh was the waiting worth it!! Our appointment the next morning with The Ninja was awesome! Allen's scans showed that there is no more fluid in his left lung at all, that all his lymphnodes have DRASTICALLY shrunk down (even the Ninja was happily shocked by their response), and whereas before the doctors only had to magnify Allen's scans 5 times to see the bright light of the CANcer reflecting on the screen, now they had to magnify his scans 20 times to even see small swirling sections on the scans (not CANcer activity just normal considering how large Allen's mass originally was). Allen asked The Ninja what all this meant, and The Ninja replied, "You are in remission!" The best four words we have EVER heard in our lives!
We certainly still have a long road ahead. Just because Allen is in remission doesn't mean he stops treatment. He will finish the last seven rounds of chemo and will have 17 radiation treatments after that to make sure the CANcer is GONE for GOOD! However, this news is the boost we so needed to get us over the hump and let us know that all the hand washing, anti-social activity, pill popping, port wrestling, fatigue, and general state of worry is SO WORTH it!
We thought Mrs. Scott, Brookelyn's Kindergarten teacher from last year said it best, "Praise The Lord! And, thank The Cancer Ninja!"
Rewind a few days:
Allen's PET was scheduled for Wednseday the 12th; however, when we went in that morning, the machine was broken! It was certainly a bump in the road, as we had been preparing ourselves for this moment for quite some time, but the technician was super nice and promised us that she would do everything possible to make sure Allen could be scanned the evening of the 13th. The good news was that now, Allen wouldn't be radioactive for my birthday! (Never thought I would type that sentence! Who ever thinks about their husband being radioactive?!)
So, we regrouped and waited a VERY long day Thursday before heading in for his scan at 4:00. Once there, the nurse broke it to Allen that he would have to drink Barium again. Poor guy, if needles aren't bad enough, he had to endure that TERRIBLE drink (he says it tastes and smells like latex paint)! But, of course Allen is a trooper and he took his "cocktail" and headed back in for his scans. About and hour later (by this time Braedyn ans I were the only ones in the waiting room--even the front desk lady had gone home) Allen came out and said that the machine was broken again. We didn't know whether to laugh or cry! Really, the odds of this had to be incredibly small! So, Allen stood like a statue (apparently you cannot move or the dye will go to your muscles and give you a false positive scan) while Braedyn, at a safe distance, told him all about the latest and greatest games he had downloaded on his iPod. Finally, the technician came back, held both hands up with her fingers crossed, and led Allen back to get his scans. Surely, the third time was the charm! And, this time it worked!
We headed home that night (in separate cars) so anxious for the results. Allen's family dropped off dinner for the kids and I, and Allen headed over to The Bates Motel (aka, Uncle David and Emily's house). It was such a LONG night waiting!
But, oh was the waiting worth it!! Our appointment the next morning with The Ninja was awesome! Allen's scans showed that there is no more fluid in his left lung at all, that all his lymphnodes have DRASTICALLY shrunk down (even the Ninja was happily shocked by their response), and whereas before the doctors only had to magnify Allen's scans 5 times to see the bright light of the CANcer reflecting on the screen, now they had to magnify his scans 20 times to even see small swirling sections on the scans (not CANcer activity just normal considering how large Allen's mass originally was). Allen asked The Ninja what all this meant, and The Ninja replied, "You are in remission!" The best four words we have EVER heard in our lives!
We certainly still have a long road ahead. Just because Allen is in remission doesn't mean he stops treatment. He will finish the last seven rounds of chemo and will have 17 radiation treatments after that to make sure the CANcer is GONE for GOOD! However, this news is the boost we so needed to get us over the hump and let us know that all the hand washing, anti-social activity, pill popping, port wrestling, fatigue, and general state of worry is SO WORTH it!
We thought Mrs. Scott, Brookelyn's Kindergarten teacher from last year said it best, "Praise The Lord! And, thank The Cancer Ninja!"
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Dont' you love Allen's hoodie?! Says it all: Stupid CANcer!! |
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Wrapped in Love
We have mentioned many times how wonderful our friends and family are, and how much we appreciate all their help and support. However, we wanted to send a really big thank you to our friend (who also happens to be The Cancer Ninja's wife...yes, she is equally as amazing) who invited me to attend the Wrapped in Love event last night.
Wrapped in Love is held each year at The Bentonville Nazarene Church, which is also where Braedyn attends preschool. They sell tickets for women to come, enjoy dinner, and revel in the true spirit of Christmas - love and giving. The premise is that each woman who comes receives a gift to "pay forward" to someone who needs it. They explain that you may have no idea who the gift might help and that you may not come across this person for weeks or months, but at some point the person who the gift is truly meant to help will cross your path and you will know it. What an amazing concept! You can check out their Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/Wrappedinlove.Bnaz?fref=ts
It was a beautiful evening full of hope. Prior to the event, my friend mentioned that the church would like to hand out ALL-EN bracelets and say a little about Allen and his journey with CANcer. We were of course honored that she asked, and excited that even more people would be pulling for Allen along his journey!
Throughout the evening, the event emcee spoke of love and giving, and recognized different people in the huge crowd for their selflessness. It was touching to see so many women giving of themselves for others. We truly have a one of a kind community here in Northwest Arkansas!
As the evening began to wind down and most tables had received their gifts to share with others, (I got a pancake griddle to pay forward and am thinking of giving it to TASC - a local group who helps single mothers - because I can just imagine a mommy pulling it out to make her kiddos breakfast Christmas morning) I was utterly and totally shocked to hear them ask me to come to the stage. The emcee told everyone of Allen's diagnosis and explained that on the tables were little boxes with ALL-EN bracelets in them. She asked everyone - all 250 of the guests - to put them on and continued on to explain that Allen has his PET Scan Wednesday morning. She asked each person to hold Allen in her thoughts during that time and throughout his journey. To see so many people putting on a bracelet that stands for so much for our family meant more than we can ever begin to say.
CANcer SUCKS. But, we know that it has been put in our lives for a reason and for a bigger purpose. We know that we are in the best possible place in the world to fight it (heck--Allen gets his chemo at a facility called The HOG--what could be better for a Razorback fan). We know that we have the best doctors and nurses watching Allen's every scan, blood draw, and test. And, we KNOW that we have the most amazing friends and family wrapping us in love.
Wrapped in Love is held each year at The Bentonville Nazarene Church, which is also where Braedyn attends preschool. They sell tickets for women to come, enjoy dinner, and revel in the true spirit of Christmas - love and giving. The premise is that each woman who comes receives a gift to "pay forward" to someone who needs it. They explain that you may have no idea who the gift might help and that you may not come across this person for weeks or months, but at some point the person who the gift is truly meant to help will cross your path and you will know it. What an amazing concept! You can check out their Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/Wrappedinlove.Bnaz?fref=ts
It was a beautiful evening full of hope. Prior to the event, my friend mentioned that the church would like to hand out ALL-EN bracelets and say a little about Allen and his journey with CANcer. We were of course honored that she asked, and excited that even more people would be pulling for Allen along his journey!
Throughout the evening, the event emcee spoke of love and giving, and recognized different people in the huge crowd for their selflessness. It was touching to see so many women giving of themselves for others. We truly have a one of a kind community here in Northwest Arkansas!
As the evening began to wind down and most tables had received their gifts to share with others, (I got a pancake griddle to pay forward and am thinking of giving it to TASC - a local group who helps single mothers - because I can just imagine a mommy pulling it out to make her kiddos breakfast Christmas morning) I was utterly and totally shocked to hear them ask me to come to the stage. The emcee told everyone of Allen's diagnosis and explained that on the tables were little boxes with ALL-EN bracelets in them. She asked everyone - all 250 of the guests - to put them on and continued on to explain that Allen has his PET Scan Wednesday morning. She asked each person to hold Allen in her thoughts during that time and throughout his journey. To see so many people putting on a bracelet that stands for so much for our family meant more than we can ever begin to say.
CANcer SUCKS. But, we know that it has been put in our lives for a reason and for a bigger purpose. We know that we are in the best possible place in the world to fight it (heck--Allen gets his chemo at a facility called The HOG--what could be better for a Razorback fan). We know that we have the best doctors and nurses watching Allen's every scan, blood draw, and test. And, we KNOW that we have the most amazing friends and family wrapping us in love.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Team ALL-EN Support!
Time for some more AWESOME pictures of people in their ALL-EN bracelets!
Thank you SO MUCH for all of your support! It is so uplifting to see everyone wearing their ALL-EN bracelets! Allen's big PET Scan is this Wednesday morning. We are hoping for a completely sterile and CANcer free scan, so please join us in putting those "good vibes" out there. And, keep the wonderful pictures coming!
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Pork Chop is ALL-EN! |
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Santa is ALL-EN! |
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Evan Soos is ALL-EN! |
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The World is ALL-EN! |
Saturday, December 8, 2012
The Twelve Days of CANcer Christmas
Well, it has been a tough past few days at the Bates' House--Allen hasn't been feeling well, and unfortunately the ultrasound left us with many unanswered questions.
With that said, our philosophy has always been "laughter is the best medicine." And, we have been doing a lot of laughing around here lately--sometimes it is the smallest things that make us laugh until our stomachs hurt. The other day after coming home from the grocery store, arms full of various medical "stuff" for Allen we joked about the "presents" I came bearing (things like netti-pot saline, distilled water, epsom salt, and various vitamins). From that conversation came, "The Twelve Days of CANcer Christmas." Grab an eggnog and sing along with us! (We only included the last verse, as we figured we would spare you all twelve verses written out in full, but feel free to bust out the entire song.)
With that said, our philosophy has always been "laughter is the best medicine." And, we have been doing a lot of laughing around here lately--sometimes it is the smallest things that make us laugh until our stomachs hurt. The other day after coming home from the grocery store, arms full of various medical "stuff" for Allen we joked about the "presents" I came bearing (things like netti-pot saline, distilled water, epsom salt, and various vitamins). From that conversation came, "The Twelve Days of CANcer Christmas." Grab an eggnog and sing along with us! (We only included the last verse, as we figured we would spare you all twelve verses written out in full, but feel free to bust out the entire song.)
The Twelve Days of CANcer Christmas
(sung to the tune of the Twelve Days of Christmas)
On the twelfth day of CANcer Christmas my true love gave to me,
twelve treatments working,
eleven bleach wipes wiping,
ten pills a popping,
nine nurses nursing,
eight hairs a falling,
seven claims a filing,
six stitches healing,
four calling friends,
three stool softeners,
two PET Scans,
and a CANcer Ninja on duty!
And remember, Allen's big scan is on 12-12-12! We think that is going to be a GREAT day!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
A Tough Day
Today has been a tough one.
Allen woke up not feeling well--no fever but just feeling icky. (It was obvious he felt pretty terrible when he decided not to run on the treadmill.) However, he headed into work.
The kids went off to school, arguing about whether the baby would be a boy or a girl, but both excited to find out what it would be this afternoon at the ultrasound appointment.
Then, about 11:00 Allen called. He was coming home from work to rest because he still felt terrible. So terrible, that he didn't think he could make it to the ultrasound appointment.
After picking up the kids early from school and dropping some food off at the house for Allen, we headed to the ultrasound. It totally stunk Daddy wasn't there to share in the fun. However, the kids were so excited to find out if they were having a brother or a sister that we kept the appointment.
The ultrasound started off pretty well, with Braedyn asking literally 100 questions. Poor technician--thank goodness she had two little ones of her own and understood. But, once she told us the baby was a BOY, Brookelyn lost it. She cried the entire rest of the scan, all through the doctor's appointment, and the whole thirty minute drive to dance class. She REALLY wanted a little sister. So then there was the incessant question asking Braedyn, the hysterical Brookelyn, and Mommy all in the little room with the poor technician. It was quite the scene.
After the ultrasound, we had an appointment with the doctor. By then the kids were fighting and throwing magazines at each other, Braedyn was trying to look in the big, red trashcan marked "BIOHAZARD", and Brookelyn was still inconsolable. (Luckily, the doctor has four year old twins of her own so she is used to a little chaos.) She came in and asked a few questions and then dropped a bomb. The baby has a Choroid Plexus Cyst in his brain. It was hard to process while also yelling at Braedyn for pulling out all the paper robes and slamming the stirrups up and down on the end of the exam table. But, it sounded terrible. The doctor explained that we shouldn't worry. Both the Nuchal Screening we had done at 11 weeks and the Quad Screen we had done a few weeks ago came back negative, and a Choroid Plexus Cyst in isolation (ie. without other indicators) usually results in a completely healthy baby. She went on to say that her son had one as well and is perfectly healthy and normal. In a few weeks we will have a Level II ultrasound to check out the baby in minute detail. In shock, we left.
It is a lot for us to process right now. Allen still feels terrible, although luckily still no fever. Mommy is still dealing with 24 hour/day sickness. Now, the baby may have a problem. All we can do is wait. Wait for the next test for Allen (next Wednesday), wait for the pregnancy sickness to go away, and wait for the ultrasound that will tell us more about our baby boy. For two people who like to be in total control, waiting is SO hard.
Allen woke up not feeling well--no fever but just feeling icky. (It was obvious he felt pretty terrible when he decided not to run on the treadmill.) However, he headed into work.
The kids went off to school, arguing about whether the baby would be a boy or a girl, but both excited to find out what it would be this afternoon at the ultrasound appointment.
Then, about 11:00 Allen called. He was coming home from work to rest because he still felt terrible. So terrible, that he didn't think he could make it to the ultrasound appointment.
After picking up the kids early from school and dropping some food off at the house for Allen, we headed to the ultrasound. It totally stunk Daddy wasn't there to share in the fun. However, the kids were so excited to find out if they were having a brother or a sister that we kept the appointment.
The ultrasound started off pretty well, with Braedyn asking literally 100 questions. Poor technician--thank goodness she had two little ones of her own and understood. But, once she told us the baby was a BOY, Brookelyn lost it. She cried the entire rest of the scan, all through the doctor's appointment, and the whole thirty minute drive to dance class. She REALLY wanted a little sister. So then there was the incessant question asking Braedyn, the hysterical Brookelyn, and Mommy all in the little room with the poor technician. It was quite the scene.
After the ultrasound, we had an appointment with the doctor. By then the kids were fighting and throwing magazines at each other, Braedyn was trying to look in the big, red trashcan marked "BIOHAZARD", and Brookelyn was still inconsolable. (Luckily, the doctor has four year old twins of her own so she is used to a little chaos.) She came in and asked a few questions and then dropped a bomb. The baby has a Choroid Plexus Cyst in his brain. It was hard to process while also yelling at Braedyn for pulling out all the paper robes and slamming the stirrups up and down on the end of the exam table. But, it sounded terrible. The doctor explained that we shouldn't worry. Both the Nuchal Screening we had done at 11 weeks and the Quad Screen we had done a few weeks ago came back negative, and a Choroid Plexus Cyst in isolation (ie. without other indicators) usually results in a completely healthy baby. She went on to say that her son had one as well and is perfectly healthy and normal. In a few weeks we will have a Level II ultrasound to check out the baby in minute detail. In shock, we left.
It is a lot for us to process right now. Allen still feels terrible, although luckily still no fever. Mommy is still dealing with 24 hour/day sickness. Now, the baby may have a problem. All we can do is wait. Wait for the next test for Allen (next Wednesday), wait for the pregnancy sickness to go away, and wait for the ultrasound that will tell us more about our baby boy. For two people who like to be in total control, waiting is SO hard.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Chemo Treatment #4
Friday Allen went in for his fourth chemotherapy treatment (of twelve). He had his labs drawn first--his white counts are lower than the last treatment, but higher than the treatment before that. The numbers are considered "critical." However, The Cancer Ninja warned us that his numbers would be very, very low during the entire treatment; it just means we have to maintain our vigilance when it comes to germs.
Then we got to meet with The Cancer Ninja. He patiently answered all of our million-and-one questions, and let us know that Allen's VERY IMPORTANT PET Scan would be set for December, 12th: 12-12-12. We think that is a lucky number! (And, it happens to be my birthday.) Unfortunately, Allen will be radioactive after his scan, so he will have to spend the night down the street at Uncle David and Emily's house. We will receive the results of his scan at Allen's regular appointment December 14th. We want the PET Scan to show that all of CANcer is GONE and that any area that previously showed CANcer cells is now STERILE and DEAD!
Chemo treatment #4 went well. Of course it started with port issues--but it just wouldn't be normal for us without them. Thankfully, the nurse was able to work with Allen to get the port functioning properly. Allen did very well during treatment and spent most of the time working on his laptop and listening to music.
He has felt pretty good this weekend, managing to get two long runs in
and plenty of football watching time! He is a little more tired today than he has been, but he also logged more miles than he normally does. We are hoping for an uneventful week and good nights sleep so he feels rested for work.
Thank you again to everyone for their support!
Then we got to meet with The Cancer Ninja. He patiently answered all of our million-and-one questions, and let us know that Allen's VERY IMPORTANT PET Scan would be set for December, 12th: 12-12-12. We think that is a lucky number! (And, it happens to be my birthday.) Unfortunately, Allen will be radioactive after his scan, so he will have to spend the night down the street at Uncle David and Emily's house. We will receive the results of his scan at Allen's regular appointment December 14th. We want the PET Scan to show that all of CANcer is GONE and that any area that previously showed CANcer cells is now STERILE and DEAD!
Chemo treatment #4 went well. Of course it started with port issues--but it just wouldn't be normal for us without them. Thankfully, the nurse was able to work with Allen to get the port functioning properly. Allen did very well during treatment and spent most of the time working on his laptop and listening to music.
He has felt pretty good this weekend, managing to get two long runs in
and plenty of football watching time! He is a little more tired today than he has been, but he also logged more miles than he normally does. We are hoping for an uneventful week and good nights sleep so he feels rested for work.
Thank you again to everyone for their support!
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