Today has been a tough one.
Allen woke up not feeling well--no fever but just feeling icky. (It was obvious he felt pretty terrible when he decided not to run on the treadmill.) However, he headed into work.
The kids went off to school, arguing about whether the baby would be a boy or a girl, but both excited to find out what it would be this afternoon at the ultrasound appointment.
Then, about 11:00 Allen called. He was coming home from work to rest because he still felt terrible. So terrible, that he didn't think he could make it to the ultrasound appointment.
After picking up the kids early from school and dropping some food off at the house for Allen, we headed to the ultrasound. It totally stunk Daddy wasn't there to share in the fun. However, the kids were so excited to find out if they were having a brother or a sister that we kept the appointment.
The ultrasound started off pretty well, with Braedyn asking literally 100 questions. Poor technician--thank goodness she had two little ones of her own and understood. But, once she told us the baby was a BOY, Brookelyn lost it. She cried the entire rest of the scan, all through the doctor's appointment, and the whole thirty minute drive to dance class. She REALLY wanted a little sister. So then there was the incessant question asking Braedyn, the hysterical Brookelyn, and Mommy all in the little room with the poor technician. It was quite the scene.
After the ultrasound, we had an appointment with the doctor. By then the kids were fighting and throwing magazines at each other, Braedyn was trying to look in the big, red trashcan marked "BIOHAZARD", and Brookelyn was still inconsolable. (Luckily, the doctor has four year old twins of her own so she is used to a little chaos.) She came in and asked a few questions and then dropped a bomb. The baby has a Choroid Plexus Cyst in his brain. It was hard to process while also yelling at Braedyn for pulling out all the paper robes and slamming the stirrups up and down on the end of the exam table. But, it sounded terrible. The doctor explained that we shouldn't worry. Both the Nuchal Screening we had done at 11 weeks and the Quad Screen we had done a few weeks ago came back negative, and a Choroid Plexus Cyst in isolation (ie. without other indicators) usually results in a completely healthy baby. She went on to say that her son had one as well and is perfectly healthy and normal. In a few weeks we will have a Level II ultrasound to check out the baby in minute detail. In shock, we left.
It is a lot for us to process right now. Allen still feels terrible, although luckily still no fever. Mommy is still dealing with 24 hour/day sickness. Now, the baby may have a problem. All we can do is wait. Wait for the next test for Allen (next Wednesday), wait for the pregnancy sickness to go away, and wait for the ultrasound that will tell us more about our baby boy. For two people who like to be in total control, waiting is SO hard.
I'm just now catching up on the blog but had to share what Brookelyn told me the other day about the advantages of the baby being a boy: she wouldn't have to share any of her makeup with him! The girl has perspective! She went on to rub in Braedyn's face that he was going to be the one who was going to have to share everything. She cracks me up! On a serious note, I'm sorry to read the sad stuff but I know when all of this is over, you'll re - read this blog and smile knowing how strong you and Allen are and what great examples you both are to your kids, your family and your friends who every day learn a new way to deal with the worries and fears of life thanks to you two!