Friday Allen went in for his fourth chemotherapy treatment (of twelve). He had his labs drawn first--his white counts are lower than the last treatment, but higher than the treatment before that. The numbers are considered "critical." However, The Cancer Ninja warned us that his numbers would be very, very low during the entire treatment; it just means we have to maintain our vigilance when it comes to germs.
Then we got to meet with The Cancer Ninja. He patiently answered all of our million-and-one questions, and let us know that Allen's VERY IMPORTANT PET Scan would be set for December, 12th: 12-12-12. We think that is a lucky number! (And, it happens to be my birthday.) Unfortunately, Allen will be radioactive after his scan, so he will have to spend the night down the street at Uncle David and Emily's house. We will receive the results of his scan at Allen's regular appointment December 14th. We want the PET Scan to show that all of CANcer is GONE and that any area that previously showed CANcer cells is now STERILE and DEAD!
Chemo treatment #4 went well. Of course it started with port issues--but it just wouldn't be normal for us without them. Thankfully, the nurse was able to work with Allen to get the port functioning properly. Allen did very well during treatment and spent most of the time working on his laptop and listening to music.
He has felt pretty good this weekend, managing to get two long runs in
and plenty of football watching time! He is a little more tired today than he has been, but he also logged more miles than he normally does. We are hoping for an uneventful week and good nights sleep so he feels rested for work.
Thank you again to everyone for their support!
Even with cancer he runs faster and further than me!