Sunday, December 16, 2012

Chemo Treatment #5

Allen started his morning as usual, with a nice run!
His fifth chemotherapy treatment was on Friday, and he is feeling really good this weekend (which means he got put to work in the baby's new room)!

On Friday, of course we were elated after Allen's great scan reports from The Ninja, but the reality is we do still have a long road ahead.  That road includes several more chemotherapy treatments, and the fifth of twelve was next on the agenda.  Things started really well, with his port actually cooperating pretty well.  And while his treatment started, we enjoyed reading all the well-wishes on Facebook and through email and text messages.   Thank you! We loved reading them together and felt like everyone who has been on this long journey with us so far was celebrating with us!

However, about ten minutes into his pre-meds he started feeling burning in his chest.  Of course the poor nurses, who I think probably draw straws to see who has to take care of the high-maintenance port Allen, were very concerned that there was a leak in his port.  This is especially concerning considering that Allen gets Adria, a chemo drug that is VERY toxic if it gets out of his veins.  So, Allen went off to his friends in x-ray (this is the fifth time Allen has had that silly port x-rayed)! Luckily, after some tense waiting (and worrying that SURELY he wouldn't have to go back for more port surgery) Allen's nurse got the green light that his port was fine.  From there, things went like they should and he finished up.  We are so excited that the next chemo treatment marks the HALF-WAY mark! Woo hoo!

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