With that said, our philosophy has always been "laughter is the best medicine." And, we have been doing a lot of laughing around here lately--sometimes it is the smallest things that make us laugh until our stomachs hurt. The other day after coming home from the grocery store, arms full of various medical "stuff" for Allen we joked about the "presents" I came bearing (things like netti-pot saline, distilled water, epsom salt, and various vitamins). From that conversation came, "The Twelve Days of CANcer Christmas." Grab an eggnog and sing along with us! (We only included the last verse, as we figured we would spare you all twelve verses written out in full, but feel free to bust out the entire song.)
The Twelve Days of CANcer Christmas
(sung to the tune of the Twelve Days of Christmas)
On the twelfth day of CANcer Christmas my true love gave to me,
twelve treatments working,
eleven bleach wipes wiping,
ten pills a popping,
nine nurses nursing,
eight hairs a falling,
seven claims a filing,
six stitches healing,
four calling friends,
three stool softeners,
two PET Scans,
and a CANcer Ninja on duty!
And remember, Allen's big scan is on 12-12-12! We think that is going to be a GREAT day!
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